

DBeaver EE supports InfluxDB schema browser, data viewer and InfluxQL queries execution.
DBeaver uses InfluxDB Java driver 2.12 to operate with the server over HTTP/HTTPS (standard InfluxDB protocol).
It supports InflixDB servers of any version (in the moment of writing).

Connecting to Influx Server

You can connect directly to a server or use SSH tunneling or SOCKS proxy.

Browsing InfluxDB schema

InfluxDB is TimeSeries database, it doesn’t support tables, foreign keys and other relational entities.

DBeaver doesn’t support data insert/update in InfluxDB. Basically for DBeaver database is in read-only state. You can browse schema and view/analyse data.

While data itself is loaded by various sensors/data collectors in real time.

Instead of tables InfluxDB has measurements. Instead of columns it has fields and tags.

Executing InfluxQL

InfluxQL is a query language similar to SQL.
DBeaver fully supports all InfluxQL statements. Query results are presented as grid or as graphs: