DBeaver PRO for data analysts

Data-driven decisions are the most valuable. We cannot make these decisions for you, but we can help you to do this. Don't be limited by your CRM – create custom reports based on all key metrics in your dataset.

Accelerate your data management workflow for high results

Get a unified secure data platform

All analytical and statistical resources are available in one place:

  • Snowflake
  • Redshift
  • Cassandra
  • Teradata
  • Netezza
  • DynamoDB
  • And more.

Work like in Excel but in advanced

Don't be limited by the table size in your research. Work with millions of rows as a regular table: view, sort, filter, clean data, and edit values.

Speed up SQL operations with AI chat

Create SQL queries with AI chat easily. Transform human language requests to SQL scripts in seconds.

Write SQL queries in an easy way

Join as many tables as you need to get the combined report. Use Visual Query Builder to create complex queries automatically.

Share the results with the team fastly

Make the reports more targeted with grouping and calculation panels. Export them in any data format you need.

Trusted by 6.000.000 users worldwide

Transform your data management approach with DBeaver PRO

DBeaver PRO is an all-in-one data management solution for data analysts that provides high-level security access to all analytical sources and a toolbox to work large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

In our checklist, you will learn how DBeaver PRO can help you to speed up the data analysis process dozens of times and make the most valuable data-driven decisions.

    Get a checklist by email*