DBeaver Ultimate Edition 24.2

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Previous release
10th June 2024 Archive
Current release
9th September 2024
Release notes
Future release
9th December 2024 Early Access
System Requirements
  • Microsoft Windows 10 or later versions.
  • Windows Server 2016 or later versions.
  • MacOS 11 or later versions.
Installation Instructions
  • Windows installer – run installer executable. It will automatically upgrade version (if needed). Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 and earlier versions are not supported.
  • MacOS DMG – just drag-n-drop DBeaver into Applications. On reinstall do the same (your settings won’t be lost). MacOS 10 and earlier versions are not supported.
  • Debian package – run sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-.deb. Then execute “dbeaver-ue &“.
  • RPM package – run sudo rpm -ivh dbeaver-.rpm. Then execute “dbeaver-ue &“. Note: to upgrade use “-Uvh” parameter.
  • ZIP archive – extract archive and run “dbeaver” executable. Do not extract archive over previous version (remove previous version before install).
Early Access
You can download DBeaver Ultimate Early Access version. It contains the most recent fixes, enhancements and new features. But it is less tested. Use it at your own risk.
Java Notes
DBeaver Ultimate requires Java 17 or higher. Since version 23.0 all distributions include OpenJDK 17 bundle, which is licensed under an open-source license. If you want to use you own locally installed Java you may delete folder “jre” in the DBeaver Ultimate installation folder.
All recent DBeaver Ultimate versions are available in the archive. Change list for all recent versions can be found on the release notes page.