DBeaver Documentation


Log files

Error Log view

There is an Error Log view (main menu Window->Show View->Error Log) which contains all errors which occur during the DBeaver runtime.
You can double click on the warning/error in the log viewer and see the error stacktrace. Please attach it to the bug report.
Also, you can open the full log (all error messages) if you need:

Log files

DBeaver writes different log files. Most of them are Eclipse logs.
Log files usually reside in the workspace/workspace6/.metadata .

  • In Windows open Explorer and paste path %APPDATA%\DBeaverData\workspace6\.metadata.
  • In Linux just type cd $XDG_DATA_HOME/DBeaverData/workspace6/.metadata
  • In MacOS open path ~/Library/DBeaverData/workspace6/.metadata in Finder.
    • To view hidden folders press Cmd+Shift+. in the folder view.

Two standard log files:

  • workspace/workspace6/.metadata/.log - all warnings and errors which happen during normal work
  • workspace/workspace6/.metadata/dbeaver-debug.log - the same as .log plus debug information

In special cases log files can be written in other directories. A special case is an emergency situation when DBeaver cannot start and there is no workspace. Two typical places to find emergency logs:

  • <install-path>/configuration
  • ${HOME}/.eclipse/org.jkiss.dbeaver.product_<dbeaver-version>

Java fatal logs

On the rare occasion that the DBeaver process dies, it does not leave any valuable logs. This is caused by a Java VM crash.
JVM creates a fatal log file for each crash (log gile hs_err_PID.log). This log usually resides in the same directory where the DBeaver launcher is (e.g. dbeaver.exe).
But in some cases it is a write-protected directory and the log file will be created in other folder.
Instructions on how to find the Java fatal log file: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/troubleshoot/fatal-error-log.htm

Log files for Team Edition

Log files usually reside in the workspace/team-workspace/.metadata .

  • In Windows open Explorer and paste path %APPDATA%\DBeaverData\team-workspace\.metadata.
  • In Linux just type cd $XDG_DATA_HOME/DBeaverData/team-workspace/.metadata
  • In MacOS open path ~/Library/DBeaverData/team-workspace/.metadata in Finder.

    • To view hidden folders press Cmd+Shift+. in the folder view.

Gathering log files for error reporting

When encountering an issue with DBeaver, providing log files is essential for diagnosis. To gather the logs:

  1. Navigate to Help -> Collect Diagnostic info.
  2. Select the folder to save the collected log information.

Important: Diagnostic info may contain sensitive information. Be cautious when sharing it with third parties.

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