CloudBeaver Documentation


Data import

Note: This feature is available in Enterprise, AWS, Team editions only.

In CloudBeaver, data import is accessible through the Data Editor when a table is open.

Import process steps

  1. Click the Import button to open a pop-up window for the import process.

  2. Choose the file type for import.

  3. Choose the file from local storage and press Import.

  4. Upon successful import, a confirmation message will appear.

Import configuration details

The import process in CloudBeaver includes several key features and limitations:

  • The Community Edition (CE) only allows for CSV files. Pro versions include CSV, XLSX, and XML files.
  • In CloudBeaver, data import is available to users with the roles of Editor, Manager, Developer, and Administrator.

  • CSV files should be comma-delimited.

  • The structure (DDL) of the uploaded table must match the existing table, specifically in terms of columns.

  • Only unique primary key values are accepted to ensure data integrity and avoid duplicates.

  • The import operation does not block the interface, allowing for continued work while the import is processed.

  • The system currently supports uploading one file at a time.