CloudBeaver Documentation


CloudBeaver AWS deployment on the AWS Marketplace

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To use this method, you need an account on Amazon Marketplace with the following permissions:


  1. Log in to Amazon Marketplace, find CloudBeaver AWS, and press Continue to Subscribe button.

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Then press Continue to Configuration.

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  1. Select CloudBeaver version you need in Software version field, select region, and press Continue to Launch.
  1. Select the desired configuration:
    • In the EC2 Instance Type select t2.medium or more.
    • In Security group settings, press Create New Based On Seller Settings. Then press Launch.

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  1. Great! CloudBeaver instance is successfully deployed on EC2.

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  1. Click EC2 Console link, and you will see the list of your instances. The new instance will be the last one and without a name.
    • Click on the empty field to give the instance a name.
    • Click on the Instance ID, and you will see the Instance summary.

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  1. Click on the open address link in the Public IPv4 DNS section.

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  1. The page in your default web browser will be opened. You need to agree to use the self-signed certificate and change it later. How to change certificate

That's all done! CloudBeaver AWS instance is ready to use. On the first page, you will see the server configuration wizard.

Tip: For detailed steps on the initial setup and server management, see the Managing cloud deployed services guide.