March 11, 2024
Changes since 23.3:
- Metadata Editor:
- Primary/unique key can be created automatically along with new columns
- Object creation dialog was redesigned
- Constraint creation was fixed
- Editor performance on Linux was enhanced
- SQL Editor:
- Syntax highlighting and validation were improved
- New highlighting and script validation were enabled by default
- Highlighting in nested queries and query editing was fixed
- Arrays highlighting was added
- Case sensitivity on highlighting and validation was fixed
- SELECT query validation was fixed
- Color and font settings with enabled semantic analysis were fixed
- Column aliases highlighting was fixed
- Identifiers coloring was improved
- SQL highlighting performance was improved
- Autocomplete:
- Autocomplete for aggregate functions was added
- Autocomplete for INSERT statements was fixed
- Duplicated table aliases in autocomplete were fixed
- Autocomplete was fixed for multiline comments
- Small font in the editor and result set was fixed
- Creating multiple parsing jobs was fixed
- Dot character was forbidden in variable names
- Execution time format was improved
- Toolbar customization page opening was fixed
- Connection variables and system environment variables became accessible from SQL Editor
- Handling of special characters was fixed
- Syntax highlighting and validation were improved
- Outline viewer of SQL queries structure was added
- AI enhancements:
- GPT-4 model was added, and legacy OpenAI models were removed
- Ability to send object descriptions to OpenAI was added
- AI comments representation was added to the Chat mode
- Disable all comments setting was added
- Issue with using chat format in completion dialog was fixed
- Redundant fields were removed from Azure OpenAI settings
- Query with LIMIT in AI Chat were fixed
- Issue with using chat format in completion dialog was fixed
- Send button in the chat was improved
- AI icon was fixed in Eclipse
- Work of the “Send unique keys and indexes information” option was fixed
- Visual query builder:
- Ability to delete JOINS in the DBeaver interface was removed
- Redundant buttons were removed from the Context menu
- Issue with the black screen when switching between tabs on macOS was fixed
- Shortcuts were fixed
- Query Builder was added to the Context menu in SQL Editor
- Data Editor:
- Fetch next page shortcut was changed to CTRL+ALT+N
- Value selector panel was improved: you can switch the active panel with ‘Ctrl+Tab’ and change the active value in the context menu
- Scrolling multiple tab result was improved. You can scroll all result sets using Ctrl
- Ignoring quotes option was added to the Advanced paste
- Advanced paste of multiple records was enhanced
- Issue with multiple checks in filters was fixed
- Column descriptions presentation was fixed
- Spatial data zoom was improved
- ER Diagram:
- Orthogonal path routing was significantly improved: connection rendering was enhanced, bridges were highlighted according to the selected edge, and a separate presentation of vertical routes was added
- One-to-one connection rendering for unique/primary key was fixed
- Сonnection errors handling was added
- Diagram layout was enhanced
- Data transfer:
- Multithreading support when exporting multiple tables was added
- Delimiter selection when exporting in TXT format was added
- All columns can be marked as skipped when exporting data
- The Proceed button at the last step became more visible
- On conflict expression was added to INSERT statements
- Crash when importing CSV file was fixed
- Extra space before the semicolon in export to SQL was removed
- Target table change on the mapping page was fixed
- Statistics were excluded from exported data
- Incorrect links in settings were fixed
- Data export from table to table was fixed
- Generating columns on XLSX import was fixed
- Task management:
- Variables support was added to the Composite tasks
- Ability to change the task output file and format was added
- Display of task execution time was fixed
- Running scheduled tasks on the Windows Server was fixed
- Sending double emails about task execution was fixed
- Run log refresh when task scheduling was improved
- Schema compare: INT type precision support was fixed on MariaDB and MySQL migration
- Data compare: Attribute ordering was fixed
- Accessibility:
- Notifications can be read with a screen reader (JAWs, NVDA or Narrator)
- Screen reader in Visual Query Builder was supported
- General:
- License is updated before the import
- License names were changed according to new license types
- Application launch was improved
- Idle connections’ behavior has changed, now they are automatically closed by default after some time
- Close idle connection setting saving was fixed
- Unexpected transaction ending was fixed
- Settings are applied to new connections without a restart
- Broken links in connection dialogs were fixed
- User credential dialog was fixed
- Issue with the background task of the dashboard update was fixed
- Temporary directory creation was fixed
- Changing the monospace font was fixed
- Finding local clients on Linux and macOS was improved
- Incorrect links to help articles were fixed
- Redundant items were deleted from the Context menu
- Global network settings preferences page is available again
- Workspace opening was fixed
- ‘Statistic’ tab display was fixed
- GCP CLI executable saving was fixed
- We switched to Eclipse 2023-12
- Security:
- Master password policy was added: master password can be configured or disabled
- Added warning when trying to open an encrypted project and risk losing all connection credentials
- Confirmation button was disabled in the Master password dialog if nothing was selected
- User don’t need to enter the project password to disable the master password
- Project password recovery button was removed
- Flight SQL driver, GCP SDK, and Microsoft Azure SDK were upgraded due to security issues
- Many third-party drivers were upgraded due to security issues: Dameng, Flight SQL, MariaDB, Oracle, Snowflake, SQLite, and SQL Server.
- New drivers:
- Google Firestore support was added
- Altibase support was added
- StarRocks database support was added
- RisingWave driver support was added
- Cubrid driver support was significantly enhanced
- Databases:
- BigQuery: Structs and arrays are supported
- ClickHouse: Legacy driver configuration was fixed
- Dameng:
- Dameng driver was updated
- Users, roles, and categories are supported
- Dameng: tablespaces are supported
- DB2: Loading schema statistics was fixed
- EDB: Packages duplicating schemas in the Database Navigator were removed
- DynamoDB: Adding data to the empty table was fixed
- Firebird: Function and procedure presentation was enhanced
- Google Bigtable name was corrected
- Google Cloud SQL: redundant options were removed from the context menu
- Greenplum: Rows policies were supported
- Microsoft Access connection via ODBC-JDBC driver is supported
- MariaDB:
- Driver was updated to version 3.3.2
- Result fetch size was fixed
- MySQL and MariaDB:
- ‘Grant option’ is checked only if grant permission exists
- Rendering columns with unique identifiers was fixed
- MySQL:
- Path to the local client was fixed
- TLS 1.3 support was added
- MySQL and PostgreSQL: local native database clients can be found on macOS and Linux
- MongoDB: ObjectID update was fixed
- Oracle:
- Oracle driver version was updated to
- Timestamp format in the Task log was fixed
- Keywords and schemes highlighting was improved
- New table partitioning was supported
- Default subpartition type was added
- PostgreSQL:
- Creating a new table from the user interface was fixed
- Indexes and constraints are displayed in partition DDL
- Backup of several schemas and several tables was enhanced
- Duplication of procedures was fixed
- Option ‘Show all databases’ was moved to the main page in the Connection settings
- Schema permissions display was fixed
- Confirmation message for clean option of restore wizard was fixed
- Redis Sentinel is now supported
- Redshift:
- Added extended support for stored procedures for early Redshift versions
- Roles and groups management were added
- Salesforce: Timeout duration was increased
- ScyllaDB:
- The connection page was updated
- The database name was corrected
- Snowflake:
- Snowflake driver was updated to version 3.14.4
- Double-dash single-line comments highlighting was fixed
- Functions words were added to SQL Editor
- VIEW keyword highlighting and validation was improved
- SQLite:
- The driver was updated to version
- Import with ‘truncate target tables before load’ option was fixed
- SQL Server:
- SQL Server driver was updated
- Syntax highlighting was fixed
- Check constraint option was removed from the primary/unique key creation page
- Displaying source in the index properties was fixed
- Sybase:
- Stored procedure creation was added
- Using create view instead of Alter view was fixed
- Import with table mapping was fixed
- TDengine: Unqoted table names presentation was fixed
- Teradata:
- Roles and profile management and presentation were improved
- Metadata search was significantly enhanced
- Localization:
- Ukrainian localization was added
- French localization was updated
- Japanese localization was updated
- Italian localization was improved
- Portuguese localization was fixed
- All standard UI translations were updated for all languages
- Language detection for locale containing language and country was fixed
- Misc:
- Ability to use waffle-jna in MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle was added
- Flipped splash screen on macOS Sonoma was fixed
- Starting application when the workspace directory is a link was fixed