CloudBeaver Documentation


Build and deploy


CloudBeaver is a web server which provides a rich web interface.
It consists of two parts:

  • Server back-end. It is written in Java and reuses "platform" libraries of DBeaver.
  • Front-end part. It is written in TypeScript and JavaScript.

This build process is relatively complicated (and also consists of two parts).

Tip: For a practical demonstration of CloudBeaver Enterprise Edition's capabilities, please refer to our demo server. For more information, see Demo Server.


Important: CloudBeaver includes OpenJDK, which is an open-source version of Java. This means you do not need to purchase a separate Java license to use CloudBeaver.

Install prerequisites on Ubuntu:

Add Node.js (version 20.x) and Yarn 1.22.x version repo:

  curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -
  echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Install packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
sudo apt install maven
sudo apt install yarn
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm

Install prerequisites on Windows:

  • Download and install AdoptOpenJDK
  • Download and extract Maven.
  • Add path to Maven bin folder in system PATH
  • Download and install Node.js. NPM comes along with Node.js, NPX/Lerna will be installed in the build script.
  • Download and install Yarn 1.22.x

Build and deploy

git clone
cd cloudbeaver/deploy

The final artifacts can be found in deploy/cloudbeaver.

Running server

cd cloudbeaver

By default, the server listens to port 8978 (you can change it in conf/cloudbeaver.conf). So just navigate to http://localhost:8978. You can configure Nginx, Apache or any other web server in front of it.

Note: you must be in the server root directory to run it.
If you need to run it from some other directory, then you can set the environment variable CLOUDBEAVER_HOME to the server root directory.