DBeaver Documentation


Using Liquibase in DBeaver

Note: This feature is available in Enterprise, Ultimate and Team editions only.

DBeaver integrates with Liquibase, an open-source tool that helps you track, manage, and apply database changes.


With DBeaver's Liquibase support, you can efficiently manage your database changes. You can create and manage Liquibase changelogs directly in DBeaver, making tracking and applying database changes easier. With the Liquibase PRO key, you can also use DBeaver's Schema Compare feature for an enhanced comparison of database schemas.

Supported Databases

Liquibase works with a variety of databases. The specific databases that DBeaver supports are listed in the Schema Compare article.

Steps to add a Liquibase Pro key

  1. Locate your dbeaver.ini file. For help finding dbeaver.ini, see our article.

  2. Edit the file:

    • Find the -vmargs command.
    • Add a new line after it:

      Example: -Dliquibase.license.key=ABwwGgQU...

  3. Restart DBeaver.

  4. Open DBeaver, then open the Schema Compare tool. The key will be verified automatically.

Note: If you add the key in both dbeaver.ini and through the Import Key dialog, the .ini file key takes priority.

Add Liquibase Pro key via the UI

You can also add the key directly in the UI:

  1. Go to Preferences > Editors > Schema Compare.
  2. Use the Import Liquibase Pro Key button to open the import key dialog.

Schema compare import button

  • Paste the key manually in the Liquibase Key field.
  • Use Load to import the key from a file.
  • Click Check Key State to verify the key. Results appear in the Messages field.

Invalid key state
Valid key state

Enable PRO objects in schema compare

If the license key is valid, the Object types dialog includes Pro objects.

Tip: If Pro objects don’t appear in the changelog, check the logs. The key might be invalid or expired.

Object types being compared by LiquibasePRO

  • Check Constraints
  • Procedures
  • Functions
  • Triggers
  • Synonyms (Oracle)
  • Package with the body (Oracle)

Additional Resources

For more information on Liquibase, refer to these resources: