Team Edition Documentation


Admin Manage Drivers

Configure drivers with pre-installed jars

You can customize drivers configuration in the workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.jkiss.dbeaver.core/drivers.xml file. If you have some pre-installed jar files you can reference them in drivers.xml. Example:

<library type="jar" path="absolute-jar-folder-path\driver-jar.jar" custom="true" />

Also in drivers.xml you can use the following variables to specify relative paths:

Variable Meaning
drivers_home Standard Team Edition drivers location - ($workspace/drivers by default)
dbeaver_home Team Edition installation folder
home User home folder
workspace Team Edition workspace path

For instance:

<library type="jar" path="${workspace}\drivers\my-driver.jar" custom="true" />

Full drivers.xml example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

	<provider id="postgresql">
		<driver id="postgres-jdbc" custom="false" embedded="false" name="PostgreSQL" class="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgresql://{host}[:{port}]/[{database}]" port="5432" description="PostgreSQL standard driver">
			<library type="jar" path="maven:/org.postgresql:postgresql:RELEASE" custom="false" version="42.2.20">
				<file id="org.postgresql:postgresql" version="42.2.20" path="${drivers_home}/maven/maven-central/org.postgresql/postgresql-42.2.20.jar" />
			<library type="jar" path="maven:/net.postgis:postgis-jdbc:RELEASE" custom="false" version="2.5.0">
				<file id="net.postgis:postgis-jdbc" version="2.5.0" path="${drivers_home}/maven/maven-central/net.postgis/postgis-jdbc-2.5.0.jar" />
			<library type="jar" path="maven:/net.postgis:postgis-jdbc-jtsparser:RELEASE" custom="false" version="2.5.0">
				<file id="net.postgis:postgis-jdbc-jtsparser" version="2.5.0" path="${drivers_home}/maven/maven-central/net.postgis/postgis-jdbc-jtsparser-2.5.0.jar" />

Provide predefined drivers configuration

In some cases you may need to provide a driver's configuration or driver jar files for a number of Team Edition installations automatically.

This can be done by adding a special parameter in the dbeaver.ini file: -Ddbeaver.drivers.configuration-file=c:\some-path\dbeaver-drivers-config.xml

Tip: Detailed instructions on finding dbeaver.ini are available in our article.

This file has the same structure as drivers.xml file (see above) and it will be loaded before drivers.xml.

You can specify partial driver configuration. For example if you need to configure only the jar path then it may look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <provider id="generic">
    <driver id="netezza">
      <library type="lib" path="X:\jdbc-drivers\netezza-jdbc.jar" />