Team Edition Documentation


Authentication MySQL Two factor


In addition to Database Native authentication, Team Edition also provides an option for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This feature requires a secondary password, offering enhanced security for database connections.


To set up Two-Factor Authentication with a secondary password, please refer to the official MySQL documentation: Multi-Factor Authentication.

How to Use

When Two-Factor Authentication is enabled, you need to enter the secondary password along with your primary credentials:

1) In the Authentication dropdown menu, choose the Two-factor authentication method.

Tip: If you check the Save credentials locally option, you will not be asked to input your credentials every time you connect.

2) Input your Username and Password associated with your database.

3) Click the Test Connection button or attempt to connect to the database.

4) A window for the Secondary Password will appear. Enter your secondary password.

5) If all details are correct, Team Edition will establish a connection using both your primary and secondary passwords.