December 12, 2022
Changes since 22.2:
- General improvements:
- Multi-connections behavior configuration was improved
- The possibility to forcibly disable or enable additional metadata or SQL editor connections was added
- We switched to a new Eclipse platform version (2022-09)
- Multiple MFA attempts were resolved (in drivers with MFA authentication)
- RPM package: issue with the remaining symlinks after uninstall was fixed
- External editor support to open BLOB files was added
- Execution plan support for HSQLDB was added
- Multi-character prefixes support in SQL preferences was improved
- Metadata editor: schema refresh performance was significantly increased
- Database backup: variable ${schema} was added
- Eclipse plugin: a lot of DBeaver-related warnings in the error log were resolved
- Apache Hive: default schema detection was implemented
- Athena: driver version updated to 2.0.30
- SQLite: table column delete was fixed
- Vertica: default driver upgraded to version 12
- Exasol: user list read was fixed (thanks to @allipatev)
- DB2: driver version was updated to 11.5.7
- MySQL/MariaDB: issue with grave accent quoting was fixed
- OpenSearch driver configuration was added
- The Default SSL truststore selection was fixed (it is now configurable)
- Connection edit/create dialog performance was improved
- The database server version is now shown in the connections’ tooltip
- The object delete dialog was redesigned
- The database create button was removed from the connection dialog for databases that don’t support it
- Security patch for packaged drivers (additional validation of zip archives was added)
- Intersystems Cache: community driver was added again
- General UI:
- Dark theme support was added to the XML editor
- Dialog font settings are now applied to most popup dialogs
- Database navigator quick filter now supports composite identifiers (thanks to @plotn)
- Many minor UI bugfixes
- UI perspective customization was fixed
- Cloud Explorer and S3 browser:
- Microsoft Azure support for SQL Server was added
- The top-level checkbox was removed
- The S3 folder names display was improved
- The bug with deleting S3 folders and files was fixed
- The option to create folders in S3 using File Explorer was added
- Google BigQuery and Google Spanner were added to the Cloud Explorer
- GCP support in the Cloud Explorer was improved
- Data editor:
- Refresh and row counts icons were updated
- The status Details view was improved
- Export options in UI were improved
- The bug with complex data type displaying in the value panel with active record mode was fixed
- URL transformer was fixed (for edit mode)
- Grouping panel behavior was fixed
- BLOB/CLOB viewer now shows smart warnings
- NullPointer error was fixed in the spatial viewer
- The “Hide all empty columns” action was added
- The references panel now has a button to open the target table
- Ordering by multiple columns was fixed
- Filtering by spatial columns was fixed
- URL transformer was fixed (original value edit is now supported)
- LOB editor opening performance was significantly improved
- SQL terminal now shows server output log
- Column comments are now visible in record mode
- Complex data types visualization was fixed for record mode
- The value display format option was added to the grid data view
- The Dictionary view panel now saves its ordering state
- The row number in the record mode was fixed
- Table columns resolution was improved for custom SQL queries
- Hidden columns restore was fixed
- The top and bottom action toolbars were redesigned
- Action buttons now show hints
- The data export toolbar button is now configurable
- The image viewer was switched to embedded web browser mode (configurable)
- The issue with the spatial data viewer was fixed (“no more handles” error)
- Errors in virtual column definition are now handled properly
- The “Count nulls” function was added to the Calc panel
- The data export button UI was enhanced
- Fetch all data and fetch size controls were returned to the status bar
- The Lasso tool was added to the spatial viewer
- Bug in spatial viewer initialization was fixed
- Browser-based image viewer control was fixed (null or invalid images handle)
- SQL editor:
- The “Open in new tab” behavior was fixed
- The issue with NULL column names in custom queries was fixed
- SQL script active database/schema restore was fixed
- Parameters prefix configuration was fixed
- The issue with cursor change on context menu invocation was fixed
- The option to disable all code completions/foldings were added
- Auto-completion inside the SQL package was fixed
- Table aliases auto-completion was fixed
- SQL blocks auto-completion was fixed
- SQL variables/parameters disable configuration was fixed
- Auto-completion with the TAB key was implemented (!)
- Hyperlink navigation was fixed for quoted identifiers and identifiers with spaces
- The issue with keyword case auto-conversion was solved
- Editor tabs now show the connection state icon (connected/failed)
- Client-side commands prefix configuration was fixed
- The issue with cursor position change on mouse right-click was resolved
- Big SQL files support was improved (automatic disablement of syntax validation)
- Table auto-completion tooltips UI was redesigned
- Error on unassociated script opening was fixed
- Data transfer:
- The issue with the SMTP configuration was resolved
- The bug with minimizing the Data Transfer wizard was fixed
- The bug with blank cells in XLSX import was fixed
- The display of a warning about override output files on data export to file was added
- The data transfer process special case for Generics was improved
- The bug with transferring data from XML to Table DT with a wrong column was fixed
- ${schema} option to File name pattern in Backup/restore was added.
- The bug with respect to column types with Excel files import was fixed
- The fallback directory for data transfer tasks was added
- The bug transfer binary data to Cassandra was fixed
- Columns auto-mappings were improved (case-insensitive search)
- Bug in CSV export with custom header format was fixed
- Export to XLSX now supports different modes for spreadsheet rows append
- The description column was added to XLSX format (configurable)
- Additional confirmation is shown if the output file will be overwritten
- A fallback directory was added for data export tasks
- Columns mapping dialog was redesigned and improved
- Columns scale/precision mapping was fixed
- Import from XML format was fixed
- Tables/column mapping dialog was improved, and problems with target column names were fixed
- Database drivers:
- Licenses for all of the packaged drivers were added
- The display of driver information in the connection dialog was improved
- The issue with driver jars re-download was fixed
- It is now possible to disable Windows certificate storage usage
- Driver version auto-update feature added
- An issue with the driver download dialog was fixed (non-clickable dialog)
- Driver license info button was added to the connection edit page
- License information was added to the most drivers
- It is no longer need to restart DBeaver after driver settings change (bug in recent versions)
- Connections:
- URL-based configuration support was added to PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Generic drivers
- The network profile edit UI was fixed
- Connection error messages
- Data compare:
- Tables comparison with different columns’ number was improved
- The bug in the schema comparison between Teradata and Databricks was fixed
- SSH:
- The bug with the password in the SSH key was fixed
- An issue with the redundant password prompt was fixed
- The tunnel config tab is now hidden for databases that don’t support SSH
- An issue with the private key password prompt was fixed
- SSH user name is now optional (current user name is used)
- SSH jump servers support was added for SSHJ implementation
- The tunnel invalidation was fixed for SSHJ
- Tasks:
- The issue with the Task Scheduler setting on macOS was resolved
- The debug logging on DT task execution was added
- Tasks viewer now shows tasks only for the active project
- New task create command enablement was fixed
- Running tasks are now checked, and confirmation is shown on DBeaver app shutdown
- Additional logging was added for tasks execution
- A variable value prompt was added (configurable)
- The issue with tasks operating with missing (deleted) tables was fixed
- Visual Query Builder:
- The bug with drag and drop tables was fixed
- The issue with excessive relation on the diagram with more than two tables was resolved
- The bug with displaying nullability and data types was fixed
- The bug with an incorrect query when more than one column is dragged on the diagram to add a JOIN was fixed
- The bug with displaying the query as a diagram was fixed
- The bug with adding tables in PostgreSQL was fixed
- Join tables visualization was improved
- ERD:
- The bug with saving diagrams was fixed
- The issue with creating relationships between tables in edit mode was resolved
- Association creation was fixed
- Azure Cloud:
- The extra dependencies were cleaned up
- The access request process was improved
- Netezza:
- The bug with import .XLSX data into the database was fixed
- The columns metadata read was improved
- Clickhouse:
- Execution Plan support was added
- SSL connection configuration support was added
- UUID data type support was added
- Datetime64 data type support was added
- SSL support was fixed
- Driver version was updated (solves many data type conversion problems)
- Driver version was updated, this resolves many issues with different data types’ support
- Identifiers quoting was fixed (for non-ASCII characters)
- MariaDB:
- The issue with data transfer was fixed
- UUID data type support was fixed
- Snowflake:
- The bug with executing SQL commands in Task manager was fixed
- Java 17 support was added
- Stored procedure and functions management was added
- Fujitsu:
- Fujitsu Postgres support was added
- InfluxDB:
- InfluxDB2 driver was added
- The bug with incorrect order and filter in the query was fixed
- The bug with opening the graphs was fixed
- The tables reading was improved
- The warning if the query result contains a lot of subtables was added
- MongoDB:
- The button “Show all databases” was added
- The bug with execution db.test_col.find().toArray() query was fixed
- Oracle:
- The bug with missing attributes of key ‘VIRTUAL_PK’ in the result set was fixed
- The bug with columns distortion when exporting data was fixed
- Support MySQL in Oracle Cloud was added
- Schema full DDL was added
- DATE data type rendering was fixed (the time part was removed)
- DATE data type rendering is now configurable
- MySQL:
- The default database client was changed to version 8+
- JSON columns can now be used in filters and as keys
- Hyperlinks navigation was fixed for procedures
- Complex identifiers quoting was fixed
- Redis:
- The SSH connection process was improved
- Greenplum:
- The bug with the query re-triggered was fixed
- SSL connection configuration support was added
- The proper client app name is now sent to the server
- Prepared statements usage was disabled
- The table list read was fixed for recent GP server versions 6+
- CouchDB:
- The bug with unable to browse the database with a slash in the name was fixed
- Couchbase
- Couchbase Cloud support was added
- Teradata:
- Macros support has been added
- LDAP to connection settings was added
- The DBC level from the hierarchy tree was removed
- SQL Server:
- Issue with sequence value selection was fixed
- It is now possible to disable the TOP clause in select queries
- SQL Server driver was upgraded
- PostgreSQL:
- The bug with missing Inherited roles in the PG role DDL was fixed
- The PostgreSQL JDBC driver was upgraded
- Issue with the missing primary key in new tables was fixed
- Table DDL for partitioned tables was fixed
- Role comments are now visible/editable
- Box data type support was improved
- Issue with result sets fetch was fixed (OutOfMemory on big results)
- Driver version was updated to 42.5.0 (security update)
- The issue with numeric field formatting in struct types was fixed
- Inherited roles support was added
- Auth role editor was moved to the database level
- The role create/edit command was fixed
- PostgreSQL 15 support was improved (new data type category)
- Localizations:
- Chinese localization was improved
- German localization was improved
- Additional localization was done in many places in the application