June 11, 2024
Changes since 24.0:
User authorization:
- Added LDAP authentication;
- Added the ability to assume AWS session with SAML without proxy user;
- Implemented JWKS authentication support.
- Added support for auto-completion for sub-selects;
- Added support for custom Llama-based AI models.
- Added the ability to select a case for column names for export to CSV.
- DuckDB, Oracle, SQLite, Clickhouse, and Trino drivers were updated;
- AlloyDB: Added the ability to create connection in the Cloud Explorer;
- BigQuery: Clustered tables presentation was improved for in the navigator tree;
- Databricks: Added authentication with personal access token;
- DB2i: Procedure creation query recognition was fixed;
- DuckDB:
- Added spatial data visualization;
- Improved sequences, views, and table definitions;
- Fixed aliases autocompletion;
- Informix: Improved Time Series data type support;
- H2: Enhanced security for connection through H2 driver;
- Firestore: Added Document ID to the Data grid;
- MongoDB:
- Enhanced work with special symbols in the JSON presentation;
- Added support for length() function for SELECT statements;
- Neo4j: Significantly enhanced driver support. Now, the structured data can be presented in JSON or text format. Users can execute queries using Cypher query language;
- Oracle:
- Improved JSON data type support;
- Added Oracle Legacy driver with support for Oracle server versions 8, 9, and 10.
- Added the ability for users to configure personal settings for the interface, SQL editor, and data viewer through the settings panel;
- Improved the process of application update – user can track the application update process now;
- Added the button to close all open sessions if the limit is exceeded.
- Added support for manual and automatic modes for committing changes to the database;
- Added the ability to set NULL values for BLOB and GIS data via the cell’s context menu in the table;
- Row count calculation in the grid can be canceled for Data Editor and SQL Editor now;
- Large text values (more than 100 Kb) are now automatically opened in the Value panel.
- Added the ability to import data to the database from CSV, XML, and XLSX files.
- Implemented support for utilizing environment variables within connection configurations.
- Added schema and catalog fields to query details.
- Added new StarRocks, Kyuubi, Cubrid, and Altibase drivers;
- Firestore: Added the ability to edit data via JSON tab;
- Snowflake: Added support for SSO authentication.
- Users can create custom web-based charts and add them to Dashboards;
- The dashboard user interface was redesigned. It now allows users to drag and drop charts, add and edit them in one click using toolbar buttons, and customize the dashboard view.
- Comparison performance significantly increased. Users can now compare tables with millions of rows;
- Export of comparison results to SQL and HTML was added;
- User interface on the Key configuration and Column mapping tabs was improved.
- Smart mode for statement delimiter in SQL scripts was added;
- Highlighting, validation, and outline for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements were supported;
- Auto-completion for sub-selects was supported.
- AI smart assistance and AI Chat in the SQL Editors were enabled by default;
- Custom Llama-based AI models were supported.
- BETWEEN conditions were supported;
- The ability to change table aliases in joined tables was added.
- The ability to import configured connections from Toad for Oracle was added;
- The possibility to collect DBeaver diagnostic information automatically for tech support was added.
- The new panel can be opened in the desktop application to view scheduled tasks from all projects;
- Users can receive email notifications depending on the result of task execution and the presence of attachments;
- Running tasks can be automatically canceled after the specified timeout.
- BigQuery support was enhanced:
- Added Clustered table presentation;
- Users can see Bytes processed/billed and other statistics in a new panel in the data viewer.
- Added Romanian localization;
- Updated French localization.