June 12, 2023
Changes since 23.0:
- Access Management:
- The license grants access based on the current number of users, accommodating any decrease in the user count;
- Retrieval of database credentials from AWS Secrets Manager was added.
- Authentification:
- Azure Cloud service is officially supported in CloudBeaver Enterprise. Now databases from different clouds, AWS, GCP, and Azure, are accessible through Cloud Explorer simultaneously;
- We have resolved the window freezing issue during anonymous access;
- The error with authentication for SAML/OpenID providers with enabled GCP services has been fixed;
- The issue with OpenID auth based on federated login has been fixed;
- The synchronization between assignment roles in SAML users and groups in CloudBeaver has been implemented.
- Connections:
- The issue with Resource Error in Cloud Connection was fixed;
- The DuckDB driver was updated for CloudBeaver EE version;
- If there is an error in saving the data, the tab for the chosen connection dialog will stay open to allow corrections;
- The Navigation tree will display only a single database when using URL configuration for a PostgreSQL connection.
- Data Editor:
- A new tab, Charts for visual data presentation, was added to the Data Editor;
- A new Grouping panel menu was added to the Data Editor. This panel extracts unique values from the database column for the count. Users can drag and drop the column to the grouping panel and get the results immediately. Sorting, filtering, and exporting of the results are available on the Grouping panel.
- Administration:
- Modification of driver settings is now available via an additional administration tab called “Driver Management”;
- The new option to add custom database drivers in the Administration menu is available;
- Incorrect behavior when importing a new license was fixed.
- SQL Editor:
- Several enhancements have been implemented in script handling;
- After switching between the Visual Query Builder and SQL Editor modes – the script is still visible and has not changed;
- We improved the performance – as a result, handling scripts with up to 10 000 lines does not present any challenges;
- Pressing Tab/Space followed by Enter now causes the cursor to move to a new line;
- When the cursor goes back on the query, the previous hints are displayed;
- Error when running SQL with semicolon has been fixed.
- Driver management:
- CloudBeaver has the option to connect to H2 database version 2;
- The internal CloudBeaver database is upgraded to the newest H2 version 2 to avoid vulnerability issues. The database will be safely upgraded automatically for the servers with default configurations. You can perform this upgrade manually if you have a custom configuration for this database in your infrastructure.
- Configurations:
- The option to increase the maximum size of text files displayed in the value panel (using the sqlTextPreviewMaxLength parameter) has been added;
- Support for custom logging configuration has been added. An external configuration file can be used instead of the default configuration.
- Many small bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements have been made.