Team Edition Documentation


Product configuration parameters


This guide describes how to set up default Team Edition preferences through the configuration files.

Product config structure

Packages are mapped as follows in the configuration file:

  • core-ui (package name) -> ui (name in config)
  • plugin-notifications (package name) -> notifications (name in config)

Here is a structural example:

  core: {
    [core package name]: {
      [property name]: [property value]
  plugin: {
    [plugin package name]: {
      [property name]: [property value]

Configuration example

The following JSON provides an example of how global properties and plugin-specific settings are defined:

    // Global properties
    core: {
        authentication: {
            baseAuthProvider: 'local',
            primaryAuthProvider: 'local'
        browser: {
            'cookies.disabled': false
        theming: {
            defaultTheme: 'light'
        localization: {
            defaultLanguage: 'en'
        'navigation-tree': {
            childrenLimit: 500,
            editing: true,
            deleting: true
    plugin: {
        'sql-editor': {
            maxFileSize: 100
        notifications: {
            notificationsPool: 5,
            maxPersistentAllow: 5
        'data-spreadsheet': {
            hidden: false
        'data-viewer': {
            disableEdit: false
        'log-viewer': {
            refreshTimeout: 3000,
            maxLogRecords: 1000,
            logBatchSize: 2000,
            maxFailedRequests: 3
        'data-export': {
            disabled: false
        'erd-viewer': {
            maxColumnsToDisplay: 15000


Config below is equivalent to example config for plugins: 'log-viewer', 'data-export', 'erd-viewer'

  'plugin.log-viewer.refreshTimeout': 3000,
  'plugin.log-viewer.maxLogRecords': 1000,
  'plugin.log-viewer.logBatchSize': 2000,
  'plugin.log-viewer.maxFailedRequests': 3,
  '': false,
  'plugin.erd-viewer.maxColumnsToDisplay': false

Configuration file locations

The configuration files for the application are located in different directories based on their scope and usage. Below are the paths where these files can be found, listed in the order of their priority:

  1. workspace/.data/.cloudbeaver.runtime.conf - Runtime configuration, highest priority.
  2. conf/product.conf - Server configuration.
  3. webapp/packages/product-default/src/config.json5 - Web application configuration.

Table of settings

Variable Deprecated Default value Description
plugin.notifications.notificationsPool core_events.notificationsPool 5 Maximum notifications
plugin.notifications.maxPersistentAllow core_events.maxPersistentAllow 5 Maximum persistent notifications
core.browser.cookies.disabled core.cookies.disabled false Whether an app can use cookies or not


If you want to disable the data export functionality and increase the refresh timeout for the Log Viewer you can modify the settings in the .cloudbeaver.runtime.conf file. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the .cloudbeaver.runtime.conf file
  2. Paste the following code:
  plugin: {
    'log-viewer': {
      refreshTimeout: 7000
    'data-export': {
      disabled: false