June 14, 2023
Changes since 23.0:
- User administration:
- Team Edition Desktop became available for users with the Manager role.
- Project management:
- Notifications on getting access to a new project were added;
- Synchronization and notifications of created/deleted projects were added;
- Script and folder synchronization was improved in the desktop application.
- Access Management:
- The license grants access based on the current number of users, accommodating any decrease in the user count.
- Authentification:
- Azure Cloud service is officially supported in CloudBeaver Enterprise. Now databases from different clouds, AWS, GCP and Azure, are accessible through Cloud Explorer simultaneously;
- We have resolved the window freezing issue during anonymous access;
- The error with authentication for SAML/OpenID providers with enabled GCP services has been fixed;
- The synchronization between assignment roles in SAML users and groups in CloudBeaver has been implemented.
- Driver administration:
- Modification of driver settings is now available via an additional administration tab called Driver Management;
- The new option to add custom database drivers in the Administration menu is available.
- Datasets:
- Improvements have been made to the datasets UI in the Team Edition Web;
- Users can now save query results as a dataset and copy an existing dataset in the desktop application;
- The ability to edit datasets was added in Team Edition Web.
- Query manager:
- Displaying the Projeсt or the connection has been added to the query;
- Ability to sort by Project in Query Manager.
- General improvements:
- The issue with freezing the desktop application on the startup after creating ER diagram was fixed;
- Tips of the day were revised.
Team Edition Web
- Data Editor:
- A new tab, Charts for visual data presentation, was added to the Data Editor;
- A new Grouping panel menu was added to the Data Editor. This panel extracts unique values from the database column for the count. Users can drag and drop the column to the grouping panel and get the results immediately. Sorting, filtering, and exporting of the results are available on the Grouping panel.
- SQL Editor:
- We improved the performance as a result. Handling scripts with up to 10 000 lines does not present any challenges;
- After switching between the Visual Query Builder and SQL Editor modes, the script is still visible and has not changed;
- Error when running SQL with semicolon has been fixed.
- Configurations:
- option to increase the maximum size of text files displayed in the value panel (using the sqlTextPreviewMaxLength parameter) has been added;
- support for custom logging configuration has been added. An external configuration file can be used instead of the default configuration.
- Many small bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements have been made.
Team Edition Desktop
- Project management:
- Users can move folders with not empty content with drag-n-drop;
- The issue with disappearing links to the file or folder was fixed;
- Script and folder synchronization was improved.
- Datasets:
- Users can now save query results as a dataset and copy an existing dataset;
- The issue with not deleting or renaming datasets in the list was fixed.
- ODBC driver was improved:
- Linux and macOS support was added;
- The ability to use ODBC instead of JDBC for most data sources was added;
- Driver substitute selector was added to the new connection dialog;
- The legacy ODBC driver was removed.
- SQL Editor:
- A spell checker was added, including the ability to check SQL keywords and data types;
- Result tabs can now be detached;
- The toolbar became customizable: users can choose which buttons to show or hide;
- Hovering information for SQL errors and spelling annotations was added;
- Direct execution of SQL scripts in native clients was added for Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
- ER Diagram became accessible: users can work with it using the keyboard and the NVDA screen reader.
- Data Editor:
- The bottom toolbar became customizable. Users can select which buttons to show or hide;
- Disconnected editors can be easily reconnected;
- Data filter support in the Grouping panel was added.
- Data Transfer: sheet selection for import from Excel was added.
- Tasks: email notifications about the failed scheduled tasks were added.
- Connectivity:
- Bug with additional username request when connecting via AWS was fixed;
- The issue with disappearing drivers was fixed;
- The issue with too many access errors in the S3 browser for users with limited permissions was fixed;
- Kerberos subject authentication support was added;
- It is now possible to connect through Azure Cloud without entering a username;
- The issue with the inability to connect via Azure SSO after token expiration was fixed.
- General UI:
- Database editors remain open after disconnect (configurable);
- Many font issues were fixed;
- Part divider UI was redesigned;
- A lot of UI rendering improvements were made.
- Database drivers:
- Oracle NetSuite driver was added;
- Raima driver was added;
- SingleStore support was added;
- TiDB driver was added (thanks for @icemap);
- TiDB Cloud Telemetry support was added (thanks for @icemap).
- Databases:
- Greenplum: support for version 7.0 was added;
- Redshift: support of Redshift servlets on Cloud Explorer was added;
- Snowflake: spatial data support was added;
- SQLite: the ability to open ER Diagram in Simple View was added.
- Localization:
- Traditional Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, and Italian translations were updated;
- Traditional Chinese language was added to the Windows installer.