Team Edition Release Notes


June 11, 2024
Main updates:
  • Now administrators have an easy way to create a server domain for the web application in the Easy config or Administration part;
  • Users can view the query history of their team if they have the Supervisor permission from the administrator.
Administration part:
  • Default user preferences can be configured in the web client for both UIs:
    • The Data Viewer: default fetch size;
    • The SQL Assist feature:
      • Use long object names (always use schema/catalog);
      • Insert table aliases;
  • The link to download the relevant version of the Team Edition desktop is now available in the Desktop client tab.
AI: Added support for custom Llama-based AI models.
    Databases and drivers: 
    • Neo4j driver support was significantly enhanced. The structured data can be presented in JSON or text format. Users can execute queries using Cypher query language;
    • DuckDB, Oracle, SQLite, Clickhouse, and Trino drivers have been updated.
    • Changes in user preferences in the web application are now applied to the web and desktop UIs;
    • Users can skip checking an untrusted server certificate and run the desktop client;
    • Different driver vulnerabilities that could affect the Team Edition security were fixed.

    Team Edition web

    User authorization:
    • Added LDAP authentication;
    • Added the ability to assume AWS session with SAML without proxy user;
    • Implemented JWKS authentication support.
    Data viewer and SQL editor: Added support for manual and automatic modes for committing changes to the database.
      Data transfer: Added the ability to import data to the database from CSV, XML, and XLSX  files.
        Accessibility: All popup dialogs became available for screen readers, including JAWS, to improve the experience for users with disabilities.

        Team Edition desktop

        • Users can create custom web-based charts and add them to Dashboards;
        • Dashboard user interface was redesigned. Added the ability to drag and drop charts, add and edit them in one click using toolbar buttons, and customize the dashboard view.
        Task management:
        • The new panel can be opened in the desktop application to view scheduled tasks from all projects;
        • Users can receive email notifications depending on the result of task execution and the presence of attachments;
        • Running tasks can be automatically canceled after the specified timeout.
        Data Compare:
        • Comparison performance significantly increased. Users can now compare tables with millions of rows;
        • Users can export comparison results to HTML;
        • The user interface on the Key configuration and Column mapping tabs was improved.
        SQL Editor:
        • Added the ability to use smart mode for statement delimiter in SQL scripts;
        • Supported Highlighting, validation, and outline for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
        Databases and drivers:
        • BigQuery support was enhanced:
          • Added clustered table presentation;
          • Bytes processed/billed and other statistics can be presented in a new panel in the data viewer.
        • Romanian localization was added;
        • French localization was improved.
        Detailed Team Edition 24.1 release notes.


        March 12, 2024
        Main updates:
        • Administrators can configure different database access for every team in one connection;
        • Administrators and developers can grant database access to all users;
        • Server configuration dialog was added to the desktop client.
        Identity providers:
        • AWS authentication now supports external role configuration.
        • Git configuration test button was added;
        • AWS Secrets Manager integration was added for database credentials storage.
        AI assistant:
        • Added support for Google Gemini LLM;
        • Updated the list of available OpenAI models.
        New drivers:
        • Firestore;
        • RisingWave.
        Driver management: Added many improvements for BigQuery, ClickHouse, Dameng, DB2, DynamoDB, EDB, Firebird, Google Bigtable, Google Cloud SQL, Greenplum, Microsoft Access, MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redis, Redshift, Salesforce, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SQLite, SQL Server, Sybase, TDengine, and Teradata.
          Access Management:
          • Added the ability to automatically map Active Directory roles to specific Team Edition roles during user import;
          • Administrators can include themselves in any teams.
            Detailed Team Edition 24.0 release notes.


          December 12, 2023
          • Cloud Storage Services are officially supported. You can enable Amazon S3 and Google Cloud in the admin panel, and then open scripts, download files, upload files, and copy them by drag-n-drop. Task results can also be saved in the enabled cloud storage. Microsoft Azure cloud storage is available in the desktop application.
          • Multi-server license support – you can use a single list of users for different servers.
          • AI enhancements: AI assistance is available in both web and desktop interfaces. You can set Azure OpenAI as an alternative AI configuration.
          • Authentication
            • Active Directory Federation Services authentication method was added.
            • Amazon Cognito OpenID authentication provider was added.
            • The ability to synchronize with Okta groups was added.
            • The ability to configure multiple AWS IAM authentication providers was added.
          • Administration and Access Management
            • Easy configuration has been added, allowing users to set the administrator’s login and password, as well as configure other settings during the initial launch.
            • Added the ability to set local credentials for SSO users.
            • Administrators have gained the ability to permanently delete users and their data.
            • Google provider has been added to the user provisioning.
          • Security
            • Unauthorized access vulnerability was fixed.
            • Large number of CVEs in third-party dependencies have been resolved.
          • New drivers
            • ScyllaDB
            • AlloyDB
            • Dameng
            • Cosmos DB (Cassandra)
          Detailed Team Edition 23.3 release notes.


          September 12, 2023
          • Authentication. You can use new authentication providers — NTLM, Okta, AWS OpenId –  to log in to web and desktop applications, making the following types of authorization available: AWS SAML, AWS OpenId, AzureAD, Google, NTLM, Okta OpenId, OpenId, SAML.
          • User provisioning. You can import users from your AzureAD and Okta business accounts.
          • Integration with the Git version control system was implemented. User can keep project scripts, diagrams, datasets, connection configurations, bookmarks, and other data in a Git repository.
          • Task scheduling has been significantly improved: tasks run on the server, and the user can retrieve export result files in the desktop application.
          • Synchronization work better, and users receive notifications in the desktop application, when creating or deleting projects and connection folders. Configuration changes are also synchronized.
          • New drivers
            • Azure Cosmos DB
            • AWS Timestream (added to Cloud Explorer)
            • Amazon Neptune
            • Crate DB for Postgres
            • Kafka (available in Ultimate Edition)
            • Materialize (only in desktop)
            • Salesforce (JDBC driver created by DBeaver team)
            • TDengine 
          • Security: SQLite driver version was updated due to the found vulnerability CVE-2023-3269.
          • Localization
            • Traditional Chinese, Chinese Simplified, German, and Portuguese translations are improved;
            • Users can select Portuguese as the default language during installation.

            DBeaver Team Edition desktop

          • Tableau integration: you can connect to Tableau to edit Tableau custom queries in the desktop interface.
          • Connectivity
            • Now you can connect to a database using Kubernetes proxy. To configure it, click the ‘Network configuration‘ button in the connection dialog.
            • ODBC driver became more stable. It supports any database with the available ODBC driver,  the most popular once being Amazon Redshift, BigQuery, DB2, DB2 for IBMi, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, SQLite, and SQL Server.
          • Data Editor
            • Spatial data presentation is enhanced: you can copy coordinates, viewport bounds, and selection. You can also view PostGIS data and labels on the map.
            • Users can see chart presentations for non-numeric values, for example, for salary or grades.
          • Accessibility
            • Connection dialog now supports screen readers.
            • JAWS and Narrator support was improved for Data Editor and vertical tabs.
            • High contrast theme support was significantly improved. You can choose a high contrast theme in your OS, and the DBeaver high contrast theme is enabled.
          • Security
            • Certificate management was added: you can find CA certificates used for SSL access in the Trust store section in Preferences or import your own certificate.
            • Project and user password security was improved.
            • We have improved the security of storing user settings.
          • Databases
            • Google BigQuery: DDL for storage procedure is available.
            • Greenplum 7.0 is now supported.
            • Oracle:  XML presentation is supported.
            • PostgreSQL: Debugger was improved: we fixed many significant bugs and enhanced the performance.
            • Vertica: Stored procedures are supported, you can view and execute them. Execution plan is available, including JSON queries. 

            DBeaver Team Edition web

          • Performance: Pagination has been added to the Navigation tree and metadata viewer, allowing users to work with a larger number of database items;
          • Navigation tree: Filters for the Navigation tree allow hiding and showing schemas within the interface;
          • Access Management: The ability to unlink SSO credentials from user has been implemented;
          • Authentification: The SSL option is available for establishing connections in MySQL, PostgreSQL, Clickhouse, Mongo, Cassandra;
          • Connections: Connections can be pre-configured into the workspace in the Global Configuration JSON file and then displayed in the interface;
          • Data Editor
            • The ability to rearrange columns in the Data Editor has been added;
            • The ability to use custom functions in the Grouping panel has been added;
          • SQL Editor: Users can simultaneously edit resources, allowing them to work together;
          • Driver management: Custom settings have been added to the interface for the following dialogue connections: SQLite, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL;
          • Security
            • Password autofill functionality has been removed;
            • The ‘eye‘ icon for password fields has been removed – the passwords entered into fields will not be displayed in the interface;
          Detailed Team Edition 23.2 release notes.


          June 14, 2023
          • User administration:
          • Team Edition Desktop became available for users with the Manager role.
          • Project management:
            • Notifications on getting access to a new project were added;
            • Synchronization and notifications of created/deleted projects were added;
            • Script and folder synchronization was improved in the desktop application.
          • Access Management:
            • The license grants access based on the current number of users, accommodating any decrease in the user count.
          • Authentification:
            • Azure Cloud service is officially supported in CloudBeaver Enterprise. Now databases from different clouds, AWS, GCP, and Azure, are accessible through Cloud Explorer simultaneously;  
            • We have resolved the window freezing issue during anonymous access;
            • The error with authentication for SAML/OpenID providers with enabled GCP services has been fixed;
            • The synchronization between assignment roles in SAML users and groups in CloudBeaver has been implemented.
          • Driver administration:
            • Modification of driver settings is now available via an additional administration tab called Driver Management;
            • The new option to add custom database drivers in the Administration menu is available.
          • Datasets:
            • Improvements have been made to the datasets UI in the Team Edition Web; 
            • Users can now save query results as a dataset and copy an existing dataset in the desktop application;
            • The ability to edit datasets was added in Team Edition Web.
          • Query manager:
            • Displaying the Projeсt or the connection has been added to the query;
            • Ability to sort by Project in Query Manager.
          • General improvements:
            • The issue with freezing the desktop application on the startup after creating ER diagram was fixed;
            • Tips of the day were revised.
          Detailed Team Edition 23.1 release notes.


          March 13, 2023
          • General improvements:
            • The installation screen on macOS was changed;
            • The “Workbench has not been created” error was fixed;
            • Incorrect behavior pressing on the Cancel button at the first start was fixed;
            • The issue with ​​deadlock when having an open ERD diagram during startup was fixed.
          • Connections:
            • Proxy database connections through the server were added;
            • Reusing auth SSO tokens in order to work with Cloud Explorer and connect to cloud databases was added;
            • The logout on refresh token expired error was fixed.
          • Datasets: 
            • A new concept of dataset file type was created.
            • Support files with multiple queries, diagrams, bookmarks, and dashboards;
            • Filtering, editing, exporting, and loading of datasets;
            • Datasets visualization: grid, chart, text, JSON;
            • Join multiple datasets;
            • The search of datasets.
          • Project management:
            • Storing datasets in Shared Projects;
            • Publishing of datasets to shared projects on demand;
            • Private folders in shared projects;
            • Async project loading was fixed;
            • Subscribe to events for open projects only;
            • Team Edition fails if no projects provided bug was fixed.
          • Task management:
            • Composite, Shell, and Data Compare tasks were added. 
          • User administration:
            • The administration window was improved;
            • New license roles support (Data Manager, Data Editor, Viewer);
            • Permission management was added to Projects;
            • Disabling the ability to open the Cloud Configuration Manager for Editor and Manager roles was implemented.
          • Resource Management: 
            • The issue with synchronizing new folders with the resource cache is solved;
            • A message showing when changes are made to shared connections or scripts was added;
            • The issue with disappearing new folders after the restart was fixed;
            • Browse folders in the SQL Script Manager.


          December 13, 2022
          • General improvements:
            • Validate server API version in desktop clients was added
            • Visual remote invocation progress was added 
            • The refresh function for connections and resources was added
            • Administrator and Development roles with preconfigured permissions were added
            • The display of license information in DBeaver UI was added
            • Asynchronous web requests execution was added 
          • Administration
            • The option to edit shared projects by admin was added 
            • The option to create projects by admin was added 
          • Resource Manager
            • Read-only projects support was added
            • Shared credentials support was added 
            • Tasks configuration stored in the Resource Manager 
            • Custom driver jars stored in the Resource Manager  
            • Drivers configuration is stored in the Resource Manager
            • The global configurations storage was added