Added new drivers for working with files as databases. These drivers allow you to open files in the Data Editor, execute complex SQL queries, and work with files in cloud storage (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). Currently, the drivers operate in read-only mode:
XML driver
JSON driver
Multi-source driver – allows you to combine files of different formats into a single database and join data from multiple files using a single SQL query
Added the ability to open Parquet files from the cloud storage
Added support for geospatial data types
File opening dialog was completely redesigned
SQL Editor:
New autocomplete engine was significantly improved and enabled by default. The new engine was renamed “Semantic”, while the previous engine is now called “Legacy”
Added the ability to use multi-line variables in SQL scripts
Changed default shortcuts for the Result set zoom to Alt+0 and Alt+9 to avoid conflicts with European keyboard layouts
AI assistant in SQL editor was improved: configure the AI engine, write “@ai” in the SQL Editor, and describe what you need in natural language — AI will instantly generate a ready-to-use query
Query manager: Added the ability to filter queries by data sources and date range
Data Editor:
Completely redesigned hints, additional information blocks for cells and columns displayed in tooltips and directly in the cells:
Depending on the data type, cell hints display information about foreign and primary keys, array elements, binary data size, geometries, and timezones. Using hints, you can also navigate to related tables
Column hints continue to display information about keys and column status, but they were redesigned for better readability.
All hints can be configured on the Context menu: you can choose which hints to display for cells and columns for the current table, current connection, or globally.
Added backslash escaping when generating scripts
Added an option in the Value Panel to save XML and JSON files in compressed format
Added support for the composite types for the Grouping panel
Data transfer:
Added the ability to use default spreadsheet names (e.g., Sheet0, Sheet1) for exporting to XLSX
Export to CSV:
Added an option to replace line break characters
Added an option to choose {}, [], or () brackets for formatting array data in the exported file
Added the ability to retrieve database credentials securely from the AWS secret manager and HashiCorp Vault secret provider
The product now supports importing certificates from a predefined folder at startup, making it easier to establish secure connections for databases protected by self-signed certificates, especially in environments with firewalls or security policies
Cloud Storage: double-clicking on a file in Cloud Storage will open that file in DBeaver, allowing you to work with it as with a database. Supported formats: .csv, .json, .xml, .xlsx, .xls, .parquet, .sql, .db, .sqlite, and .sqlite3
Security: Master password configuration page was redesigned for a better user experience
The bottom toolbar now features breadcrumbs, showing the hierarchical path to the open entity in the active connection (e.g., a specific table). They also allow quick navigation to any sibling or parent node in the hierarchy.
Added the ability to associate different file types with DBeaver on Windows and macOS, and open them directly from OS file explorer or with Ctrl+O shortcut
Added the ability to edit DDL for Oracle and MySQL jobs
BigQuery: Added an option to enable session mode
MySQL and MariaDB: Added the ability to change an expired password in the user interface
Added support for the SQL Plus ACCEPT keyword
Added the ability to change user passwords
Users with sufficient permissions can create and clone other users
Now, there are two Redshift drivers: the default Redshift, which is stable and offers better performance, and Redshift Serverless, which can be used to connect to the serverless database
Microsoft Access and MySQL drivers were removed from the package. The application now prompts users to download these drivers from Maven during connection configuration.
Added many improvements for Apache Cassandra, Azure Databricks, Azure PostgreSQL, CUBRID, Google BigQuery, MySQL, MariaDB, OpenEdge, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, Salesforce Data Cloud, SAP HANA, Snowflake, SQLite, SQL Server, Teradata, and Yugabyte
New database drivers were added:
Driver updates:
Google BigQuery was updated to version 42_1.5.4.1008
Jennifer to v5.5.3.2
Machbase to 8.0.2
MariaDB to 3.5.2
SQLite to
Snappy to 2.11-1.3.0
Spanner to 2.15.5
Teradata to
For InterSystem IRIS, OrientDB, and Salesforce Data Cloud, the latest driver version is now downloaded by default
New drivers for working with files as databases. These drivers allow you to open files in the Data Editor, execute complex SQL queries, and work with files in cloud storage (AWS, Google Cloud). Currently, the drivers operate in read-only mode:
CSV Pro driver.
XLSX driver.
Parquet driver.
New database drivers added:
LibSQL/Turso JDBC driver was added to all desktop products. This is an open-source driver. For more details, refer to the driver repository.
DolphinDB driver.
GBase 8s driver.
SQL Editor:
Highlighting and validation were significantly enhanced, including the following: synonym highlighting and validation have been introduced, and the pseudo-column highlighting has been improved. Additionally, the query validation style was updated, and the number of issues displayed for each script query was reduced to improve the interface readability.
SQL console saving was redesigned (it now asks for confirmation).
Added an ability to select a part of SQL query between brackets using ‘Ctrl+Shift+]’ hotkey to improve script editing.
Added ‘Cmd+Enter’ shortcut on macOS for script execution in addition to ‘Ctrl+Enter’ due to the conflict with new system hotkeys in Sequoia.
Data Editor:
JSON and XML text presentation was redesigned: edit controls were moved to the left, word wrap was added to the editor, and find/replace visualization issues were fixed.
The presentation and editing of composite data types were significantly improved.
Data Compare:
Comparison tables with composite keys consisting of two or more columns became available.
Several performance improvements and bugfixes were made.
Data transfer:
Export in Parquet format was added.
JSON values can now be exported as embedded JSON.
Added an option “Delete export file if export fails” allowing to delete incomplete files created during the failed exports.
Added display of AWS SSO code during authorization.
Added support for different global AWS regions: now you can choose one global region for your product (Standard, Government, or China).
Master password management was redesigned.
Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 8 are supported again.
Bottom toolbar layout in the object editor was unified for all tabs.
Google BigQuery:
Composite data presentation was improved.
Procedures handling is now supported in SQL editor, including LOOPS, IFs, BEGIN END, and CASE.
Db2 z/OS: DDL generation for creating tables was added.
Navigator now displays only the databases accessible to the user.
Fixed issues with multi-row inserts during data import, incorrect display of thePERIOD data type, and improved handling of maximum rows.
Added many improvements for Altibase, Azure SQL, Apache Hive, ClickHouse, CosmosDB, CouchDB, CUBRID, Db2 z/OS, DuckDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Salesforce Data Cloud, SAP HANA, Snowflake, Trino, and Virtuoso.
Added presentation of structural data types in the table Properties.
Added the ability to disable all metadata queries. This can be useful for improving performance or reducing the number of queries to expensive databases.
Added import of configured connections from MySQL Workbench and other third-party database management tools.
Icons in Database Navigator and Data Editor were redesigned.
AI Assistant: GPT-4o, GPT-4-turbo, and GPT-4o-mini models are supported.
SQL Editor:
Added problem markers with semantic errors and warning descriptions. You can click on the problem description in the tooltip to find out what is wrong with the query.
Added highlighting, validation, and Outline viewer support for DDL statements: CREATE, DROP, and ALTER.
The database connection will be automatically closed when all related SQL editors are closed.
Auto-save in SQL Editor editor is enabled by default.
Data Editor:
Indicators of the table status were added to the upper left corner of the grid. When you hover the indicator, you can see a tooltip with detailed information about unique keys and the ability to edit this table.
Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C allows you to use the advanced copy option with the latest settings, without opening a popup window each time.
Data transfer: Users can email large export result files by splitting them into multiple parts in zip format.
Users can create custom web-based charts and add them to Dashboards.
Dashboard user interface was redesigned: added ability to drag and drop charts, add and edit them in one click using toolbar buttons, and customize dashboard view.
Tableau: Users can add Tableau charts to Dashboards and see how they change when data changes inside the application.
Ability to change table aliases in joined tables was added.
Task management:
Email notifications were improved. Users can receive notifications depending on the result of task execution and the presence of attachments.
Running tasks can be automatically canceled after the specified timeout.
Cloud Explorer: Ability to see connections for selected cloud configuration was added.
Ability to import configured connections from Toad for Oracle was added.
Possibility to collect DBeaver diagnostic information automatically for tech support was added.
Migration to Eclipse 2024/06 was performed. This version does not support Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 / macOS 10 and earlier versions.
Databases and drivers:
Neo4j driver support was significantly enhanced. The structured data can be presented in JSON or text format. Users can execute queries using Cypher query language.
BigQuery support was enhanced:
Clustered tables presentation was added.
Bytes processed/billed and other statistics are presented in a new panel in the data viewer.
New Google Firestore driver allows you to display collections and subcollections in the data grid, and edit database entities using metadata editor. You can connect to Firestore using Cloud Explorer.
SQL Editor:
New SQL query highlighting and script validation were enabled by default
Outline viewer of the SQL query structure was added.
AI enhancements:
Google Gemini support was added.
GPT-4 model was added, and legacy OpenAI models were removed.
Chat mode was improved: AI comments representations and the ability to disable all comments were added, Chat mode interface and behavior were enhanced.
Data Editor:
Advanced paste was improved: ability to ignore quotes was added and the paste of multiple records was enhanced.
Scrolling multiple tabs results was improved. You can scroll all result sets using Ctrl.
Filter and value selector panel were improved.
ER Diagrams: Orthogonal paths routing was significantly improved. Connection rendering was enhanced, bridges can be highlighted according to the selected column, and a separate presentation of vertical routes was added.
Metadata Editor:
Primary/unique key can be created automatically along with new columns
Object creation dialog was redesigned.
Data transfer:
Multithreading support for multiple table export was added.
Users can select any character as a delimiter when exporting in TXT format
Configuration of exported columns has been improved. You can quickly select a single column for export.
Many bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
Task management:
Users can change the file format in the saved task, for data export and data import.
Variables support was added for the Composite tasks.
Accessibility: Notifications can be read with a screen reader (JAWs, NVDA, or Narrator).
Master password policy was added: master password can be configured or disabled.
Many third-party drivers were upgraded due to security issues: Dameng, Flight SQL, MariaDB, Oracle, Snowflake, SQLite, and SQL Server.
GCP SDK and Microsoft Azure SDK were upgraded due to security issues.
New drivers:
Cubrid driver support was significantly enhanced
Databases: Added many improvements for BigQuery, ClickHouse, Dameng, DB2, DynamoDB, EDB, Firebird, Google Bigtable, Google Cloud SQL, Greenplum, Microsoft Access, MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redis, Redshift, Salesforce, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SQLite, SQL Server, Sybase, TDengine, and Teradata.
Ukrainian localization was added.
French, Japanese, Italian, and Portuguese localizations were improved.
All standard UI translations were updated for all languages.
Cloud Storage Services integration. We added support for Google Cloud storage, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon S3. Now you can open, save, and copy scripts and other files in the most popular cloud storage services by using Cloud File Explorer.
AI enhancements
AI Chat is a new way to use artificial intelligence to build SQL queries: you post a phrase in a human language in the chat, receive a working SQL query, and modify it with AI until you get a perfect result.
Azure OpenAI service is now available as an alternative AI configuration.
ER Diagrams
New diagram notations are available: Crows Foot and Bachman.
Diagram presentation was significantly improved.
Experimental feature: you can enable Orthogonal routing that shows not only relationships between tables but also relationships between specific columns.
A master password is requested to protect secure data, such as cloud configurations. We have improved the master password dialog so that users can choose how to protect their credentials.
Performed a serious security assessment and updated several third-party drivers where major vulnerabilities had been found: Redis, IBM DB2, Google BigQuery, AWS Athena, Amazon Neptune, Kafka, Couchbase.
The Export functionality and Version Update can be completely disabled.
Data Editor
Multiple query results can be displayed vertically.
`Go to column` action (Ctrl+Shift+G) allows you to find a specific column.
Column search was added to the Metadata panel.
User can add a shortcut for setting row color.
The Grouping panel now shows the actual executed SQL.
Many minor bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements have been made.
SQL Editor
Numerous improvements have been made to some processes, such as single-tab results visualization, output panel display in the statistics tab, tab closing, error representation, working with SQL console, and others.
Experimental feature: enhanced smart completion can be enabled in Preferences.
Data transfer
When transferring data from one table to another, you can choose how new tables and column names are transformed by using Mapping Rules.
Excel (XLSX) export supports columns auto-fit: you can customize column widths in DBeaver, export the data to Excel, and the output columns will be the same width as the original columns.
Schema compare: The results of change tree migration can be exported to a text file.
Cloud Explorer
You can connect to Google Bigtable via Cloud Explorer
SSH tunnel configuration was added — SSH tunnel is automatically assigned to a cloud database when you add it to the Database Navigator from Cloud Explorer
New drivers
Azure Cosmos DB (Cassandra)
JDBCX driver
Google BigQuery DDL for storage procedure is now available.
Greenplum 7.0is supported.
Oracle XML presentation is supported.
PostgreSQL Debugger was improved: we fixed many significant bugs and enhanced the performance.
Vertica stored procedures are supported, you can view and execute them. The execution plan is available, including JSON queries.
Traditional Chinese, Chinese Simplified, German, and Portuguese translations are improved
Users can now select Portuguese as the default language during installation
Tableau integration: You can connect to Tableau to edit Tableau custom queries in DBeaver interface.
Kubernetes proxy. Now, you can connect to a database using a Kubernetes proxy. To configure it, click the “Network configuration” button in the connection dialog.
Spatial data presentation is enhanced: you can copy coordinates, viewport bounds, and selection. You can also view PostGIS data and labels on the map.
Screen readers’ support and keyboard navigation were improved: connection dialogue is accessible, and you can use JAWs screen, reader on the connection dialogue, Data grid, Object properties, ER Diagrams, and other application areas.
High contrast theme was better supported: you can choose a high contrast theme in your OS, and the DBeaver high contrast theme is enabled.
ODBC driver became more stable. It supports any database with the available ODBC driver, the most popular ones being Amazon Redshift, BigQuery, DB2, DB2 for IBMi, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, SQLite, and SQL Server.
New drivers
Azure Cosmos DB
AWS Timestream
Amazon Neptune
Influx 3
Crate DB for Postgres
Certificate management was added: You can find CA certificates used for SSL access in the Trust store section in Preferences or import your certificate.
Project and user password security was improved.
We have improved the security of storing user settings.
SQLite driver version was updated due to the vulnerability CVE-2023-3269.
Google BigQuery DDL for storage procedure is now available.
Greenplum 7.0is supported.
Oracle XML presentation is supported.
PostgreSQL Debugger was improved: we fixed many significant bugs and enhanced the performance.
Vertica stored procedures are supported. You can view and execute them. The execution plan is available, including JSON queries.
Traditional Chinese, Chinese Simplified, German, and Portuguese translations are improved.
Users can now select Portuguese as the default language during installation.