Team Edition Documentation


Managing cloud deployed services


This guide covers the initial launch, management, and maintenance of Team Edition in cloud environments, including server configuration, updates, and backups.

Launch your instance

After launching your cloud instance, follow these steps to access the product:

  1. In your browser, go to http://<Instance_IP>/, where <Instance_IP> is the public IP address of your cloud instance.

Tip: If you're unsure how to find your instance's public IP, refer to the relevant cloud provider's documentation.

  1. You’ll be redirected to the product’s initial configuration wizard, which will guide you through the setup process.

For more detailed instructions on configuring the product, see Administration guide.

Managing your server with the server manager utility

Team Edition provide a server manager utility to help you manage your server. You can use it to start, stop, update, configure, and back up the server.

For Team Edition the manager utility is available by default in cloud deployments.

Tip: If you're using Docker Compose, the manager utility needs to be installed separately. See Team Edition deployment repository for more details.

Using the server manager

To see available commands and options, enter the relevant command for your product:

product help

Note: Replace product with either cloudbeaver or dbeaver-te.

Managing the server state

To start or stop the server, use the start and stop commands:

  • Start the server:

    product start
  • Stop the server:

    product stop

Note: Replace product with either cloudbeaver or dbeaver-te.

Version update procedure

To update your product version, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your server via SSH.
  2. Check available versions:
    product update list
  3. Choose the version you want to update.
  4. Run the update command:
    product update %version%

Note: Replace product with either cloudbeaver or dbeaver-te.

Backup and restore procedure

You can easily make backups of your cluster’s state, which includes service volumes, database dumps, and internal certificates.

  • Create a backup:

    product createBackup

    Additional options:

    • --include-certs: Includes internal certificates in the backup (disabled by default for security).
    • --skip-db-service: Skips the database dump if you are using an external database.
  • Restore from backup:

    product restoreBackup

    Ensure your cluster is running before restoring from backup.

Note: Replace product with either cloudbeaver or dbeaver-te.

Server configuration

You can change the configuration of the server through the server manager. To update the .env file, run the following command:

product configure

Once you've made changes, press Ctrl+S to save and Ctrl+X to exit the editor.

Note: Replace product with either cloudbeaver or dbeaver-te.