CloudBeaver is available on AWS marketplace
CloudBeaver Enterprise has been published on the AWS marketplace.
CloudBeaver Enterprise has been published on the AWS marketplace.
Every time we write news and release notes for the new DBeaver EE version we choose what is the most important that we need to highlight. But we cannot cover everything. If you need the full list of changes you can find it on the special page now. The biggest updates form DBeaver EE 7.3 are in our news as usual.
Have you noticed that we changed the procedure of the license extending? Now, it doesn’t matter when your license expired you can buy the license extension at any time. Moreover, you do not need to do anything in DBeaver after your purchase, the license will be extended automatically.
Maybe, it’s time to renew? Let’s take a look what’s new in DBeaver 7.2.
Despite the situation with COVID-19 DBeaver team hasn’t stop development. We have worked hard for three months. Now we are glad to introduce DBeaver EE 7.1.
We continue to improve DBeaver UI and made two great features: the simple view for navigation tree and column pin for data viewer. Also, release 7.1 was focused on various authentication ways and authentication automation. More details are as usual below.
We are sorry to say that DBeaver EE 7.0 was the last version with 32-bit version support. We have to stop 32-bit version support to move forward, develop new features and improve DBeaver for you. We know, almost all of our users and partners already migrated to 64-bit systems. But if you need you always can download old DBeaver versions from archive.
It’s a difficult time for everyone. People around the world fight pandemia. All conferences and exhibitions were canceled. A lot of companies have sent their employees to remote work. We in DBeaver believe that even the worst situations end after some time. But now, it is better to keep calm and take care of yourself and the people around.
The new features of DBeaver 7.0 will help you to keep your work efficient even in a remote workplace. The most important of them in this news.
It’s just a few days before the New year 2020. And before most of you went to short or long holidays we would like to share the last news about the release 6.3
The most interesting things are here.
Summer ended together with summer vacations. It’s time to return to work. But we didn’t waste these three months and prepared for you a list of new features for DBeaver 6.2.
As usual more details and screens in our news.