CloudBeaver Documentation


Demo Server

We host a demo server where you can see what CloudBeaver looks in real life.

It is a simple server with a few sample databases.

Demo Server -

Pre-configured databases access:

Database User Password
SQLite n/a n/a
MySQL demo demo
PostgreSQL demo demo

Custom connections

CloudBeaver does not store/cache your credentials or any user data. You could try to connect to some of your databases using the Custom connection wizard.

Warning: it is not secure to open direct access to your database so do not use this on databases with sensitive data.
The Demo server is for testing only.

If you want to use CloudBeaver with your real databases then deploy it in your infrastructure.


We did not pay too much attention on the Demo server security.
It is a completely isolated server with no sensitive data.
But you could try to hack it - please do it gently and please let us know if you will find any security holes.
Thank you ;-)

Have fun!