CloudBeaver Documentation


Value Panel

The Value Panel provides additional space in the Data editor in which you can manipulate data. The panel is handy if you work with complex types (structures, arrays), long text data or BLOBs.

To open the panel, click the Value button on the right hand side of the Data tab. Alternatively, you can open the Value panel by clicking Show the in value panel in the cell context menu.

To close the panel, click the Value button again.

Value Panel Buttons

The Value Panel displays just one value that is currently selected or in focus and allows editing.

At the top of the Value Panel, you can find several tabs. The tabs depend on the current value type. For example, if your current value is a string, you will find 4 tabs (Plain text, HTML, XML, JSON), each representing a format the string can be shown in.

Value Panel Open

There are 3 available tabs for BLOB type of data:

  • Text
  • HEX
  • Base64

Value Panel Open With BLOB Value