Team Edition Documentation


Getting started

To start working with Team Edition, go through the following steps:

Step 1. Server deployment

The server part consists of several docker containers. We offer instructions for the two most common orchestration technologies: Docker Compose and Kubernetes. You can find these instructions in our public git repository. If these instructions don't suit your environment or if you need any other help, please don't hesitate to contact our technical support.

Step 2. Initial server setup

Initial server setup

Step 3. Download and use the desktop client (optional)

You can download DBeaver Team client from

After installation, you need to configure desktop client to connect to your previously deployed server.

By default, the client will try to detect server automatically by getting value from:

  • Environment variable DBEAVER_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER
  • Init parameter DBEAVER_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER (it can be set in dbeaver.ini file by adding line -DDBEAVER_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER=URL at the end
  • Windows registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DBeaverTeam\DomainControllerURL
  • Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DBeaverTeam\DomainControllerURL

If none of these methods succeed (default behavior) then it will ask for DC URL in popup dialog. After that passed URL will be saved in file %APPDATA%\DBeaverData\team-workspace\.metadata\ You can change saved value in this file manually later.